
Forien's Armoury - WFRP4

Latest version3.4.2
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12.331
Last updated3 weeks ago
Created4 years ago
Languages English
Systems Wfrp4e
Dependencies Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition
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The main purpose of this module is to bring you comprehensive, all-in-one Armoury with tons of custom community made weapons, armour, ammunition and other trappings. Ultimately I wish it to be as helpful as "Old World Armoury" for 2nd Edition. 

Package currently offers:


  • Projectile reclamation feature — allows GMs to enable a feature which causes some portion of used projectiles (arrows, bolts or sling bullets) to be returned to players immediately or after an encounter ends.
    • Defaults to even rolls. Many other rules are available.
    • Must be enabled
  • Implemented optional "Getting Tired" rule as "Combat Fatigue feature"
  • Implemented "Casting Fatigue" feature designed by VividOblivion
  • Module includes Macro that allows players to quickly check their progress into completing a career
  • Module has a system for repairing damaged items. Players can easily see what is damaged and click to repair – either by paying or for free!
  • Module has a system that removes temporary runes from actors and items when they are disabled.
    • Optionally removal of runes also damages the item
  • Module can automatically progress incubation and duration values on Disease Items.
  • Macro that allows spellcasters to quickly generate specific ingredient for their spells.
  • 6 new weapon Qualities and Flaws!


Module includes 3 Compendiums:

  1. "Forien's Houserules" Compendium with 3 Journals full of custom houserules and lore.
  2. "Macros" Compendium with several handy macros for both GMs and Players!
  3. "Forien's Armoury" Compendium with over 150 entries of both Items and Effects, for example:
    • 12 new Careers across 3 Career Paths: Monster Hunter, Runesmith, Runebound Ranger,
    • 32 dwarven Runes,
    • 10 generic ingredient items for each Tradition,
    • 11 new and rebalanced Armour such as:
      • Gambeson type armour, as a historical alternative to Leather armour,
      • Rebalanced Leather armour (more expensive, but durable),
    • 8 new Containers, such as Quivers, Powder Horns, Bags,
    • 9 new Ammunition types, including new Bolt types: Bodkin, Barbed, Sharp Stick,
    • 8 new Weapons,
    • 7 new Spells for Runebound lore,
    • 11 new Talents,
    • 5 new Diseases,
    • 6 new Accessories,
    • 3 new Traits,
    • And more!

Recommended Modules

For the best experience, there are some modules that I strongly recommend:

  • Times Up — allows for automatic disabling of effects, especially useful for Temporary Runes introduced in Forien's Armoury.
  • Simple Calendar — a time tracking module is required for  the Automatic Disease Progression as well as Automated Magical Endurance Regeneration. Simple Calendar is recommended since it works well with WFRP4e!
Other suggested Modules
  • Active Token Effects — allows to use presets such as "torch" etc. for Lighting items.
  • Item Piles — awesome module that allows you to make tokens lootable, create treasure chests, bank vaults and - most importantly in my opinion - merchants. Forien's Armoury includes 92 Rollable Tables ready to be used to Populate Items for Merchants, as well as 6 prefab merchants!
Notable mentions
  • DFreds Effects Panel — provides nice and clean effects display with ability to toggle them, but more importantly displays the description of active effects!


If you wish to contact me for any reason, reach me out on Discord using my tag: forien


If you wish to support me, please consider becoming Patreon or donating through Paypal.

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