
Inventory+ (ARCHIVED)

Latest version0.6.23
Minimum Core9
Compatible Core9
Last updated1 year ago
Created4 years ago
Languages Deutsch
Português (Brasil)
Systems Dnd5e
Dependencies libWrapper
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Inventory+ (ARCHIVED)

If you want to buy me a coffee alt-text 

A Foundry VTT module to enhance the dnd5e inventory. Allows to customize your Inventory in various ways, transfer items instead duplicate between character sheet, ordering the items, and many other feature hidden under the hood.


NOTE: If you are a javascript developer and not a typescript developer, you can just use the javascript files under the dist folder


It's always better and easier to install modules through in in app browser. Just search for "Mount Up!"

To install this module manually:

  1. Inside the Foundry "Configuration and Setup" screen, click "Add-on Modules"
  2. Click "Install Module"
  3. In the "Manifest URL" field, paste the following url:
  4. Click 'Install' and wait for installation to complete
  5. Don't forget to enable the module in game using the "Manage Module" button


This module uses the libWrapper library for wrapping core methods. It is a hard dependency and it is recommended for the best experience and compatibility with other modules.


This module allows you to create custom inventory categories and sort items into them and the default categories. You can also order the categories around and even disable weight tracking on a per category basis.


Due to collisions, code maintenance problems, and reduction in the number of modules I have rewritten for the inherent use of the module some features of other modules, mentioned in the credits of this document. I invite you to support these authors in their various kofis and patreons. Each feature is non-blocking with the other modules and can be activated / deactivated from a specific module setting, which we list below

Feature: Enable item transfer: Know that you can temporarily disable the transfer feature by pressing the alt key while you move the item.

[Only with 'Feature: Enable item transfer' enabled] Enable currency transfer: When moving an object named "Currency" is transferer it will open a dialog to transfer money instead of transferring the actual item.",

[Only with 'Feature: Enable item transfer' enabled] Enable for actors of the same type: If disabled you will have to rely on the pairs you can define by hand.

[Only with 'Feature: Enable item transfer' enabled] Compatible Actor Types: The body of a JSON map of compatible actor type key-value pairs allowing transfer. By default this module only works between actor sheets of the same type, but some game systems may have other combinations that work. Example 1: "character":"synthetic","synthetic":"vehicles","vehicles":"character". Example 2 (for DnD5e): "character":"vehicle","vehicle":"character" that would enable moving item between characters and vehicles. You can also have multiple actor types as value, example 3: "character":["vehicle", "character"],"vehicle":"character" would enable transfer from character to vehicle, from character to character and from vehicle to character but NOT from vehicle to vehicle (providing that the "actors of the same type" checkbox is unchecked).",

Feature: Enable inventory sorter: Automatically sorts all actors' items (inventory, features, and spells) alphabetically (within each category).

Feature: Equipment Multiplier: Apply a weight multiplier to equipped items

[Only with 'Feature: Equipment Multiplier' enabled] Equipment Multiplier value: What weight multiplier to apply to equipped items


game.modules.get('inventory-plus').api.calculateWeightFromActor(actorIdOrName:string) ⇒ number

A method to calculate the weight (the one from the module filters) on inventory array and the current currency present on the actor


Param Type Description Default
actorIdOrName string The actor id or name (if founded) undefined

game.modules.get('inventory-plus').api.isCategoryFulled(actor: Actor, categoryType: string, itemData:ItemData) ⇒ boolean


Param Type Description Default
actor Actor The actor undefined
categoryType string The id of the category undefined
itemData ItemData The item data to drop on the inventory with specific category type undefined

game.modules.get('inventory-plus').api.addCategory(actorId: string, categoryLabel: string, ignoreWeight: boolean | undefined, maxWeight: number | undefined, ownWeight: number | undefined, items: ItemData[] | undefined, explicitTypes: InventoryPlusItemType[]|undefined) ⇒ Promise

Param Type Description Default
actorId string The actor Id undefined
categoryLabel string The label of the category undefined
ignoreWeight boolean The boolean value for ignore the weight false
maxWeight number The value of the max weight of the category 0
ownWeight number The value of the own weight of the category 0
items ItemData[] The array of itemData to associate to the category. If the item is not present on the actor it will be created so pay attention. undefined
explicitTypes InventoryPlusItemType[] The array of InventoryPlusItemType associated to the category undefined


const actorEntityTmp = game.actors?.getName('PARTY INVENTORY');
const actorId =;
game.modules.get('inventory-plus').api.addCategory(actorId, 'label16')

Models used from API

The InventoryPlusItemType object is represented like this:

  id: string;
  name: string;
  namePl: string;
  img: string;
  isSelected: boolean;
  isInventory: boolean;

The Category object is represented like this:

  label: string;
  dataset: { type: string };
  sortFlag: number;
  ignoreWeight: boolean;
  maxWeight: number;
  ownWeight: number;
  collapsed: boolean;
  items: ItemData[];


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