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Unearthed Spoils #004 - Realm of Nightmares

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Last updated1 year ago
Created1 year ago
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Unearthed Spoils #004 - Realm of Nightmares

The Plane of Shadow holds little hope. It takes heroes from another plane to bring light (in more ways than one) to the land of lament.

Unearthed Spoils #004 - Realm of Nightmares contains the following content:

  • SHADOW KNIGHT- Pathfinders in the dark, these rangers train for a life in the shadows, and out of the sunlight.
  • UMBRAL NUMEN - Warlocks of the Umbral receive their powers from a supreme being whose demesne is the Plane of Shadow.
  • BACKGROUND: COACHPERSON - You can drive anything from a mule cart to a 6-team carriage.
  • SHADOW SPELLS - Bring your own light - in the form of devastating magic.
  • SHADY MAGIC ITEMS - More than enough enchanted magic items to offset the gloom of the Plane of Shadow.
  • DARK DENIZENS - This creepy cadre of crawlers will keep you up at night while they try to put you down.
  • 11th-LEVEL ADVENTURE - The House of Psalt has a storied history, but now it’s a portal to the shadow world. Someone needs to enter and find the artifact that can reseal the door.

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Each volume of Unearthed Spoils is packed with full-color art illustrating different types of content surrounding a central theme: Class Archetypes, Character Backgrounds, Magical Spells, Magic Items, Monsters & NPCs; all tied together with an epic Adventure!



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