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Faerie Bestiary (Pathfinder Second Edition)

Latest version1.0.0
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Last updated1 year ago
Created1 year ago
Languages English
Systems Pf2e
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Fey Friends and Foes

The Faerie Bestiary from Legendary Games brings you over 200 richly detailed and evocatively described monsters for Pathfinder Second Edition, drawing upon the myths and legends of the real world and throughout the history of RPGs.This volume brings you monsters from every flavor of fairy tale and that dance along the borders of dream and reality with unspeakable grace and wild abandon. You’ll find over 200 incredible creatures and challenges from the Fey Realms both seelie and unseelie alike, from fauns to forestmaster unicorns, brownies to bandersnatches, tiny snapdragon leshys and titanic mosslords. You’ll find dragons of dreams, nightmares, and utter bliss alongside love-cursed daemons, kindly hamadryads, thundering animate arias, and more to haunt your heroes awake and animate dreams to plague their slumber. You’ll find monsters from Level from -1 to 25 and every creature type, plus appendices on fey-touched beasts and dreamscapes!

The Faerie Bestiary is the perfect addition to any wilderness campaign or anywhere the fey have left their touch on the world, and a perfect companion for Faerie Campaigns, which provides a wealth of character options, spells, magic items, adventures, and a wealth of rules for bringing the weirdling ways of the fey into your campaign with passion, mystery, and of course a bargain or two! Enrich your Pathfinder Second Edition campaign with this incredible 264-page monster accessory today and Make Your Game Legendary! 

Get this book right now for use with Foundry VTT! If you are looking for even more incredible bestiary books that draw upon the myths and legends of the real world and throughout the history of RPGs, we invite you to check out the fantastic flair of these monster accessories in the companion volumes Asian Monsters, Mythos Monsters, and Latin American Monsters!


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