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Limithron's Bombard

Latest version1.1.0
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Last updated1 year ago
Created1 year ago
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The captain peered through his spyglass for a long moment, then, face white, muttered, "Come about."


"What's that, Cap'n?" the bosun asked.


"Come about, ye damn fool!" he shouted. "The biggest cannon I've ever seen is turning our way. We'll not be joining this battle – I've got a family to return to!"


The Bombard Cannon Ship map set – designed on the theory that sometimes, bigger is better – is best deployed to scare the pants off your crew. You may not even need to fire at them if they're smart. If not, well... cover your ears.


To provide a wide range of options, there are 9 variations of the Bombard Cannon Ship map. I've provided a side view for each, since it's so impressive – and a few options for airship or deep space use! There's also PNG assets for each ship deck and sail component, and a pair of ship tokens as well.


Variations for this map (62 x 62, Hi-res JPEG files) include:

  • Bombard, Ocean: At Sea

  • Bombard, Ocean: Night

  • Bombard, Ocean: No Cannons

  • Bombard, Ocean: No Props

  • Bombard, Ocean: Storm

  • Bombard, Ocean: Tropical

  • Bombard, Space: Astral

  • Bombard, Space: Deep

  • Bombard, Space: No Props


Come have a look at what else I'm creating at my Patreon page. You'll be the first to see all my upcoming projects, and be able to weigh in on polls to guide my efforts! Hope you'll come join our crew!

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