
Vision Toolkit

Latest version2.1.13
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
Last updated1 month ago
Created2 months ago
Languages Deutsch
Systems Dnd5e
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Vision Toolkit

If you want to buy me a coffee alt-text

A module that packs the features from those 5-6 modules scattered around that help manage GM/Player visualization and other little things that people don't download (or known) because they don't want to have too many modules installed .... Here the module list i have tried to "merge" in this single module:


  • Disable vision on the canvas for GM: Adds a toggle to GM's token control menu, that allows them to ignore the vision of tokens. This makes it possible to see the entire map while moving tokens with vision around. This is managed from scene control setting

    The vision mode is toggled by a keybinding (default: CTRL+I). The light bulb icon of the lighting controls button indicates whether it's active (: inactive; : active).

  • Disable vision on Drag and Drop for GM: The module provides the feature to disables the vision limitation when dragging a token as GM. Useful for not show the map to player when you move some token on the map. This is managed from a module setting.

  • Remove token animation fro GM:  The module provides the feature to remove token movement animations for the GM. Useful if you hate to see the movement of the token on the map. This is managed from a module setting.
  • [Embedded feature of GM Vision]

    • This module work very well with the module GM Vision if you disable the module settings "Enable GM Vision"

    • This module adds a toggleable mode for GMs that ...

    • increases the brightness of the scene,

    • reveals the fog of war, and

    • shows all tokens even if they wouldn't be visible normally from the perspective of the selected token.

      Tokens that wouldn't be visible normally are highlighted by a hatched overlay.

      The mode is toggled by a keybinding (default: CTRL+G). The light bulb icon of the lighting controls button indicates whether it's active (: inactive; : active).

  • Invisible tokens can see too: allows tokens to be invisible and keeping their sight. This allows a player to be invisible to the rest of group and sneak around without the other players knowing the position. By default invisible tokens loose sight. If you check this setting, this behavior changes.

  • Invisible tokens can light too: Tokens with a light source still emit light if they are invisible.

  • Don't reveal my map: Do not reveal the map if a player token gets moved through a wall. Cancels the animation of a token if it would be moved through a wall to prevent showing parts of a map a player should not be able to see.


It's always easiest to install modules from the in game add-on browser.

To install this module manually:

  1. Inside the Foundry "Configuration and Setup" screen, click "Add-on Modules"
  2. Click "Install Module"
  3. In the "Manifest URL" field, paste the following url:
  4. Click 'Install' and wait for installation to complete
  5. Don't forget to enable the module in game using the "Manage Module" button
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