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Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery

Latest version1.1.0
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
Last updated1 week ago
Created2 months ago
Systems All systems
Project source Project URL

"What sort of hero do you want to play? The answer to this question might be as simple as “a brave warrior,” or a complicated as “the child of elven wanderers, raised in a city dominated by humans and devoted to Sarenrae, goddess of the sun.” You can draw your concept from any aspect of your character's identity. Your character can live any life you see fit."

- Pathfinder Player Core

Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery is a brand new token collection, comprising ~1200 unique portraits, each with a hand-crafted character token ready for VTT use. Created from gorgeous artwork sourced from a variety of Paizo's most popular pathfinder publications, this module focuses on providing a vast range of vibrant, unique, and interesting characters at a moment's notice. What's more, all of the artwork has been carefully tagged and curated, and the massive collection is easily searched and filtered thanks to a new in-world asset browser, developed specifically for this module. Whether you're a gamemaster looking to put a face to a beloved NPC or a future villain, or a player searching for the perfect portrait for their next character, the Character Gallery has you covered.

This unique, exclusive bundle includes:

  • ~1200 high-resolution portraits and tokens depicting characters of a variety of ancestries, professions, and classes, including high-profile named characters from the world of Golarion
  • Seamless compendium image replacement for ~100 actors from the Pathfinder Second Edition game system
  • Built-in support for Foundry VTT's Dynamic Tokens functionality
  • A bespoke new application that can be used to browse and filter the artwork from within Foundry, searching for assets by name or filtering by tags like ancestry, equipment, or armor
  • Integration with the Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries module, allowing it to add its artwork to the Character Gallery application when both modules are active, with the potential for this integration to be used by other modules in the future
  • Detailed datasheets filled out with relevant metadata for each imageset, facilitating their sorting and filtering by the application

Buy the Token Pack!

The Character Gallery Application

Set your filters, and the Character Gallery can display every piece in its collection that meets those criteria.

The Character Gallery is a bespoke application that was created specifically for this module. Accessible within your Foundry VTT game world, it provides a clean interface for searching and filtering the ~1200 images included with this module, as well as a variety of other features that make managing the collection a breeze. Here are just some of the features that the application offers out of the box:

  • Filtering the collection: The application can be used to search for a specific piece by name, or to filter the collection for any images with specific combinations of tags, allowing you to quickly find specific images that suit your needs whether you know what you're looking for or not.
  • Displaying image metadata: Each piece of artwork has been carefully labelled and tagged with relevant metadata, such as source book, ancestry or heritage, equipment, armor, and several other special traits, characteristics, or abilities. The application displays all of the information about your current selection, as well as a preview of its artwork, in the right-hand panel.
  • Actor configuration: The application does more than just helping you to find artwork. Once you have the artwork that you'd like to use, you can assign it to an existing actor by dragging and dropping it onto their character sheet. Alternatively, you can create a new actor using that artwork as a starting point. In either case, the application will instantly sets the actor and prototype token settings for you, with zero fuss.
  • Module support: The Character Gallery can accept datasheets from other modules, growing the pool of artwork that it can be used to search. Starting with the Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries module, we plan to update our existing token packs to make full use of this feature. What's more, the same functionality is also available to other module developers. You can also individually enable or disable individual datasheets, in order to tailor the active sources to your specific needs.
  • System support: Just like the module itself, the Character Gallery application can be used with actor sheets of all kinds, from any game system on the platform.
A clip of the Character Gallery application in action.


Ritual Cavern Goblin Abbey Forest Guide Heroes' Rest


Purchasing this product from the Paizo store will grant you an activation code which can be used through your Foundry VTT account page to activate the content for installation. Afterwards you will be able to install the Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery module from the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen.

After installing the module, it must be activated within a Game World. To do so:

  • Access the Settings Sidebar tab
  • Click "Manage Modules"
  • Locate the "Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery" Module, enable it, and save module settings.

Once enabled, the module will immediately map its portrait and token art to applicable actors in the Pathfinder Second Edition system compendiums. In addition, all of the included artwork can be easily browsed and filtered using the Character Gallery application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a PDF discount available for this product?

Historically, we have offered discounts for Foundry Virtual Tabletop packages when the modules are one-to-one conversions of existing Paizo works, such as adventure paths. However, as this token pack is an entirely new and stand-alone product, there is no single original publication that we could use as the basis for a PDF discount.

I don't play Pathfinder, would this module still work for me?

Absolutely! The only feature of this module that requires a specific game system is the compendium image replacement. All other features, including the tokens and the Character Gallery application, are entirely system-agnostic.

Since the token pack pulls from Pathfinder sources, it's ideal for games set in Golarion, but most of the excellent artwork would fit in any number of other tabletop RPGs. It's especially well-suited for traditional fantasy settings, with plenty of elves, dwarves, and goblins to choose from, but plenty of the pieces would be quite at home in a Starfinder campaign as well!

How much space do I need to install the module?

Thanks to the technological marvels of webp image compression, the entire package is around 350MB in size.

Where and how did the module source its artwork?

This module draws from a variety of sources, primarily Paizo's Pathfinder Pawns product lines, as well as various other Pathfinder sourcebooks. These are listed below, sorted into Key Sources and Additional Sources.


Key Sources

When selecting artwork to include in this module, we attempted to exhaust each source as thorough as possible, so that you wouldn't be left wondering whether a given piece is in the pack or not. As a rule of thumb, if a piece of artwork comes from one of these books, and it depicts an NPC or humanoid creature, it should be included in this pack.

Type Source Number used
Pathfinder Pawns
Player Character Pawn Collection 237
  Gamemastery Guide NPC Pawn Collection 108
Lost Omens
Absalom, City of Lost Omens 106
  Ancestry Guide 112
  Character Guide 86
  Grand Bazaar 39
  Impossible Lands 163
  The Mwangi Expanse 127
  Tian Xia World Guide 172

Additional Sources

In addition to the key sources listed above, we also selectively hunted down a handful of additional pieces of artwork to round out our collection, especially some of the more uncommon ancestries. For instance, to ensure that we had several options for the Shoony ancestry, we included a handful of additional pieces from the Extinction Curse adventure path. As a result, the sources listed below were not exhaustively converted, and only a small number (1-6) of select pieces were used from each of them.

  • Guns & Gears
    Dark Archive
  • Rage of Elements
  • Ultimate Wilderness
  • Villain Codex
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Shadows
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Beast
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path: Extinction Curse
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path: Ironfang Invasion
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path: Quest for the Frozen Flame
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path: Sky King's Tomb
  • Pathfinder Adventure Path: Strength of Thousands
  • Pathfinder Modules: Ire of the Storm
  • Free RPG Day Adventure: A Fistful of Flowers
  • Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Faiths
  • Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex
    Pathfinder Society: Year of Corruption's Reach
  • Pathfinder Society: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries
  • Pathfinder Society: Year of Unfettered Exploration
  • Pathfinder Pawns: Heroes & Villains Pawn Collection
Which ancestries have artwork included in the pack?

We took efforts to ensure that this pack would provide options for all playable ancestries, at least up until the time that we began production on the module. This means that any playable ancestry or heritage in the Pathfinder 2E ruleset that was published before June of 2024 should have at least some pieces to choose from in this pack- though of course, there will be more options for some ancestries than others.

For a breakdown of art by sourcebook, you can see the above Sources section- if a piece of artwork is in one of our Key Sources, it should be included in this module.

Can I add my own tags and metadata to the assets in the collection?

Currently, the application offers no built-in interface to customise, edit, or replace the tags and other data that are associated with each entry in the collection. However, if you identify an issue with the tags, you can submit a report to us on the Premium Content Issue Tracker, and we'll do our best to resolve it as soon as possible.

Committed users who wish to make sweeping changes could consider instead disabling the module’s core datasheet and providing their own replacement in a separate module, which would be under their control. However, this is not a workflow we would recommend to users who were not comfortable with the basics of module development on Foundry VTT, nor is it necessary to enjoy the full suite of features offered by the Character Gallery module.

Can I add my own artwork to the application?

The application was developed with the intention of providing a single combined browser which could search, filter, and sort artwork from several sources. While there is no special interface within the application that allows users to add their own artwork to its collection, it can accept “datasheets” from other modules, allowing it to display even more artwork than just what it includes by itself. This functionality is theoretically also accessible to any users who are heavily invested in adding their own artwork to the application. However, this should be considered an advanced option and would not be recommended for users who are not confident in the basics of modding for the Foundry VTT platform, as it would require the creation of a datasheet and a very simple custom module to load the datasheet.


The Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop was created and produced by a small but dedicated group of Foundry Virtual Tabletop staff and contractors hand-selected from the Pathfinder community, with assistance from Paizo Inc.

Ian Hildebrandt - Token Creation

Viviane Charlier - Application design, datasheet creation, project management

Richard Simões - Application design

Special Thanks

Caeora, for designing the original token ring for our token packs

Andrew White, for assistance in art acquisition

The original artwork used in the creation of this module was sourced from a variety of Paizo publications, and our efforts would not have been possible without the incredible work of the countless talented artists that produced them

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