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Cavern Crawls 3 Pack (#051 - #053)

Latest version12.0.0
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
Last updated1 day ago
Created1 day ago
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Cavern Crawls 3 Pack (#051, #052, #053)CC cover

Cavern Crawls are "5-room" dungeons that can be easily dropped into any long-running campaign or run as a one-shot.

This pack contains three dungeon delves for use with Foundry VTT, each including a unique monster, magic item, and battle map (with Dynamic Line of Sight).


Cavern Crawl #051 – Light Sanctum is a 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons compatible adventure for four to six characters of 9th-level.

The Sanctum of Light, once a beacon of hope guarded by celestial Seraphim, has fallen into darkness. Seraphiel, a once-noble guardian, now corrupts its sacred halls. Aurelia, a celestial messenger, appears before the adventurers in a vision, pleading for their help.

  • New Monster: Seraphiel
  • New Magic Item: Radiant Band


Cavern Crawl #052 – Radiant Quarry is a 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons compatible adventure for four to six characters of 4th-level.

Deep within the abandoned Radiant Quarry lies a celestial being imprisoned by dark magic. Strange noises and ghostly lights emanate from the quarry, drawing the attention of adventurers.

  • New Monster: Umbral Fiend
  • New Magic Item: Luminous Gem


Cavern Crawl #053 – Starlit Hollow is a 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons compatible adventure for four to six characters of 2nd-level.

Starlit Hollow, a mystical cavern filled with glowing crystals and celestial creatures, holds a powerful artifact known as the Astral Shard. Thalia, an elderly sage, pleads for the adventurers’ help to defeat the corruption that has taken over.

  • New Monster: Lysandra
  • New Magic Item: Astral Band


Purchase on the Grim Press Store or DriveThruRPG.

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