Baileywiki Maps, Vehicles and Modular Assets


I make dynamic, high quality assets for DMs who want flexible tools that they will use very often across multiple campaigns.

Not only do I offer detailed, dynamic and multi-level maps like Keeps, Taverns, Ships, Churches and Mansions, but I also provide a number of droppable vehicles and portals, and a modular City and Town system for building any urban setting you need on the fly, complete with lights, sounds and walls thanks to my innovative prefab system. I also support some of the more popular Foundry modules like Multilevel Token, Token Attacher and Roofs.

Finally, I provide my maps in their original Dungeondraft format for DMs who want completely unfettered customization in their worlds. Follow my Youtube channel for tutorials on how to do amazing things with all of these tools.

Baileywiki Free Map Pack

All of my Foundry-ready content, including all maps I’ve ever made are available at Tier 2 ($7/month) and above on my Patreon:

Baileywiki Premium Map Pack

Baileywiki Premium Modular Town Pack

Baileywiki Premium Cabal Dungeon Pack

FREE MACROS: Click here to find the ‘set ablaze’ macros from my latest tutorial.

A video of the first release of my Modular City

Just an example walkthrough of one of my maps…

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4 years ago

Great creator who’s fostered a great community in the Discord. Lots of transparency and collaboration. One of the best resources to learn how to make absolutely stunning maps in Foundry.

The MAD Cartographer
4 years ago

Love the work Bailey is doing, definitely someone who is working hard to get the most out what Foundry is capable of. Well worth your support!

4 years ago

Amazing creator, really super helpful and listens to feedbacks from his patreon.
Those modular assets are really well implemented and make having great maps amazingly easy.
Highly suggested!

John Forrest
4 years ago

One of the most industrious creators for Foundry, instantly responsive to community questions, and dang brilliant content for the lazy GM!

4 years ago

Takes hours out of his day to answer questions, field idea’s and concerns as well as giving wonderful advise to his community members.
He may also be a mind flayer in disguise as he constantly puts out content I want right as I realize I need it.
Seriously, get out of my head dude, i’m gunna have to charge rent soon.

4 years ago

Baileywiki bridges maps with Foundry, pushes the envelope of rich, beautiful, and interactive maps for Foundry. Then he vlogs his discoveries and techniques so everyone can follow on his coattails. His maps are great, but his FoundryVTT guidance and proof of concepts are just fantastic.

4 years ago

A really great content creator, who not only designs awesome interactive maps but is also happy to share his design process.

Calego (Elf Friend)
4 years ago

Bailywiki has fostered relationships with Module making developers such that their maps and assets are without doubt the most integrated ones in the market.

Bailywiki has consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible with Foundry and their enthusiasm is infectious. If you like cool stuff with automated bells and whistles, they deserve your support.

4 years ago

Absolutely love his work!

4 years ago

This is a very handy tool. I really enjoy working with the different parts of these packages.

Brave Concord
3 years ago

The modular systems Baileywiki has made are absolutely fantastic. Being able to create maps quickly with these detailed prefab assets is HUGE for my games. It allows you to make terrific looking maps with everything you could possibly want with buildings and easily placeable assets complete with walls, sound and lighting. Now that he’s introducing different environments – forest, jungle, etc. – it just gets better and better. Check out the channel on YouTube and simply watch the videos explaining the system – it’s mind blowing, honestly. If I could only have one Patreon, this is the one I would have.

3 years ago

Baileywiki has the best content out there.
My players are amazed at the scenes I’ve been using.. I highly suggest subbing

Lord Yod
3 years ago

Really fantastic creator, not only does he churn out a huge amount of content, he packages it in a way that really lowers the barrier to entry for running a game.

3 years ago

Great art and great videos, explaining stuff for us foundry newbies really great. I love his tiles and artwork and how he is part of the community 🙂

3 years ago

Bailey and Zephyr create cutting/bleeding edge content utilizing a vast array of modules to create astounding Foundry VTT content. They were my first Foundry VTT find and I’m spoiled rotten for it. 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Maudova
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