Dungeon Channel


About me

Hi there, thank you for joining me in this quest to create fantastic dungeons for your tabletop roleplaying games!

My name is Nick, otherwise known as Dungeon Channel, and I tend to create environmental art like dungeon tilesets, trees and weather animations that I sell on the Roll20 Marketplace and DriveThruRPG. I also develop DunGen, a web-based dungeon generator with automatic dynamic lighting for Roll20, Fantasy Grounds Unity and Foundry VTT.

About DunGen

DunGen is a Dungeon Generator that creates high resolution maps ready to import into Foundry VTT. It offers many room variations with several themes to choose from, and uses a custom algorithm to try and generate a logical dungeon. DunGen is still in development and updated often with new rooms, themes and features.

In addition to the generated map images themselves, you can also generate a full scene file including pre-built walls to take full advantage of Foundry’s dynamic lighting and have a working map in less than a minute. You can see this integration in action in this short video.

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