Tales from the Post


I’m creating content based on old classical Dungeons and Dragons adventures. Each Foundry pack released comes with several maps variants (day, night, snow, etc), weather fx, sounds and sometimes animated tiles or tokens. The pack also contains sceneries to be used as handouts or theater of mind scenes, and ideas to run the scenes if you want to use them in your homebrew campaign. The maps use a variety of modules like Multilevel Tokens, Token Attacher (for prefabs). Community Lighting by Blitz and Parallaxia. You can have a sneak peek in the links ahead. Cheers!

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2 years ago

Maps are fantastic – though some are far too large for lower end computers to run, like XT lower Caverns.

The automation and extra things are great, however, if you aren’t running 5e (I am doing dragonlance in pf2e), you need to do some json creating to be able to import them into your world.

Also this creator does not interact with his discord members that often – it is almost like he has vanished, but is still taking patreon money from people.

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