Welcome to Foundry Hub!

The day has finally arrived! Today marks the launch of Foundry Hub, your site dedicated to the Foundry VTT community.

Foundry Hub aims to provide a meeting point between the different FVTT community actors and you, its users. We wish to serve as a sharing catalyst for authors, artists, developers, game masters, and gamers.

You will find on this site four main features:

  • A news platform open to contributions and supported by a team of editors to inform you about the entire FVTT ecosystem.
  • An exchange forum open to all, in order to bring to some of your discussions a more perennial platform than a Discord channel.
  • A package explorer with a robust filter list allowing you to discover new modules and systems.
  • A creator explorer, directly updated by the artists proposing additional content for your games.

A website by the community, for the community!

A news platform

At Foundry Hub, everyone is a contributor. With only a few easy steps, you can share an article with the community on a subject close to your heart, as long as it respects our guidelines. Our editorial team is there to guide you through the steps of writing and creating your article. Aside from helping you reach the point of publishing, they also curate the featured news for you to see and feed the website with great articles themselves.

If you are interested in participating, please see the details on this link.

A forum

Although we all love Discord and the simplicity it brings to our exchanges, we think it is sometimes useful or practical to benefit from a less instantaneous, more organized discussion platform that allows us to exchange on more complex subjects. Oh, and with a real search engine… (Mr. Discord, please!)

A package explorer

Directly connected to the official list, thanks to the services of the fantastic KaKaRoTo, the package explorer enriches the creations of our great community of developers with several improvements. Come and discover new up-and-coming modules or browse the most popular ones available today. Vote for your favorite systems and modules and follow the trends in real-time. Freely inspired by the model of the famous game modding website “NexusMods”, you can add comments and “Endorse” the packages you like to help make them known.

On the page of each package, you can find all the information provided by the developer, or discover the other modules from the author of your favorite system.

A creator explorer

Discover our list of creators of all kinds proposing their creations directly to the gamemasters amongst us. Battlemap creators, musicians, writers and more! Quickly find those who offer directly usable content in a FVTT-optimized format by selecting the “Made for Foundry” tag and explore all their communication channels: Patreon, social networks, and more.

While we have worked hard to provide you with a site that is as complete and functional as possible, we are counting on your feedback and help to improve Foundry Hub. Likewise, please let us know directly on our Gitlab or the forum if you encounter any problems or bugs.

Finally, I’d like to thank all the people who made Foundry Hub possible:

  • The League of Extraordinary Foundry VTT Developers. Especially KaKaRoTo, who voluntarily provides access to anyone to the Bazaar API and answered countless of my questions these last months.
  • The Foundry Hub team that you’ll meet very soon, from the editorial team to the moderation team. They all did an excellent job, and I can’t thank them enough
  • Atropos and the Foundry VTT team who offered continuous support to this project and created this wholesome community.

And you, for reading this and joining our new community! Thank you and happy rolling!


  • JDW

    Working in the video game industry for 10 years. In my free time, I like to create shiny things for Foundry VTT, like the Dice So Nice module or this website. WFRP enthusiast.

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4 years ago

So happy to see this live! Looking forward to lots of great content coming here in the future!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x