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Aetherial Expanse

Latest version1.0.4
Minimum Core12.331
Compatible Core12
Last updated1 month ago
Created4 months ago
Languages English
Systems Dnd5e
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The Aetherial Expanse

The Atherial Expanse Setting Guide contains all you need to run an epic game in the dangerous Aetherial Expanse.

Immersive Lore. Dive into an expansive high-fantasy Astral Plane setting, complete with richly detailed locations, influential factions, and intriguing characters. Packed with adventure hooks, it's the perfect launchpad for your epic journeys across the starlit seas.

Diverse Character Options. Discover over a dozen new subclasses, three unique species, and Ghostfire's innovative character heritage system, allowing you to blend species and cultural traits to create a character with a truly distinct background.

Dynamic Naval Rules. Craft ships that are more than just stat blocks using our shipbuilding mechanics. Build your crew's reputation as you sail the starlit sea and engage in thrilling ship-to-ship combat, bringing chaotic naval battles to life on your virtual tabletop.

Enchanting Magic. Unlock a wealth of spells, magic items, and advanced magitech powered by arcane-infused aetherium, enhancing your adventures with mystifying, otherworldly abilities.

Monstrous Menagerie. Encounter a vast collection of creatures and formidable threats designed to challenge your players as they explore the silver seas of the Astral Plane.


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