
All Goblins Have Names

Latest version2.0.1
Minimum Core9.0
Compatible Core9.254
Last updated2 years ago
Created4 years ago
Systems All systems
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Use a table as the display name for a token, so each new token gets a random name.

How to use it

First, grab your random name table and drag it into a Journal entry. That will give you some text that looks similar to "@RollTable[2cbm3cP46dxcxO5Z]{Goblin Name}" or "@Compendium[...". Now, open the Actor and click Prototype Token. Paste your "@RollTable[..." text into the Token Name. When you drag your Actor onto the map to create a new Token, its name will be randomized!


Random biographies with Better Rolltables

If you install the module Better Rolltables, you may also be able to generate random biographies depending on which system you're using. Create a Story Table, then place a reference to it as the first line of the biography. For example, you can use the "Random NPC" table that comes with the BetterTables mod: @Compendium[better-rolltables.brt-story.8vjHa6SoZibxeTke]{Random NPC}

This works with the Simple Worldbuilding system, the D&D 5e system, the HârnMaster 3 system, or any other system that stores biographies in or If you would like support for another system, please reach out toasty#8538 on the Foundry VTT discord with the system you'd like support for and the data path to the biography within that system. Thanks!


firstname + lastname tables

When multiple lines are returned from a table, the lines will be joined together with a space. For example, you could have a roll table formula of 1d1, and have two results which are also tables for a firstname and a lastname, both with range 1-1.


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Aurel Tristen
2 years ago

I LOVE this module, and finally remembered to head over here and endorse it. My players get a kick out of the silly goblin names I add, and it makes combat easier! “I want to hit Arglorg Ankle-biter” is way more fun than “Goblin4,” and clearer too.

And don’t even get me started about NPCs. Thank goodness I never have to come up with a name again. Every NPC in my world has a name from the moment I drop them into the scene.

And the dev(s) were kind enough to update this to work on v10.

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