
Crash's Automatic Blind Rolls (5e)

Latest version0.9.3
Minimum Core0.8.7
Compatible Core0.8.9
Last updated2 months ago
Created4 years ago
Languages English
Systems Dnd5e
Project source Project URL
Report bugs Bug tracker URL
Read-me Readme URL

This is a module for dnd5e that allows the DM to always hide the results of specified skills, initiative rolls, or death saves from players. This is handy in case you don't want the results of an Insight or Perception check to tip your players off. Supports vanilla dnd5e and Better Rolls (with or without DSN). Other rolling modules may or may not work.

Compatibility / Known Issues

These are systems/modules that I either actively work to maintain or have somehow tested. Status for these modules is up to date as of v0.7.0 of this module, and the specified versions of the listed modules. I don't update these with every release, so they may end up out of date.


These are the systems and modules I actively work to maintain. If there are issues with these, bug reports are fair game.

  • Vanilla dnd5e (as of 1.3.2, works with or without Dice So Nice)
  • Better Rolls 5e (as of 1.5.3, works with or without Dice So Nice)

Partial Support

These are modules that I've tested this module alongside, but don't actively work to maintain. If there are issues with these, you probably want to file a feature request issue rather than a bug report.

  • Mars 5e (as of 1.6.1, does not work with Dice So Nice, but works by itself)
  • Minimal Rolling Enhancements (as of 2.0.0, works with or without Dice So Nice)

No Support

These are modules that ABR does not work with, and that I have no intention of ensuring that it works with.

  • Midi QOL (as of 0.8.30ish)

DIY Support

If you're a module dev and want to build support for Automatic Blind Rolls into your module rather than relying on me to do it, tools now exist for you to do so. Check out the API section of the github wiki for a list of methods available to you, and a guide on how to get it done. It's only a couple lines of code, added to wherever you determine whether or not your roll should be blind. If you implement support in this way, please let me know so I can include your module in the appropriate support listings.


Using The Manifest URL

  1. Open up Foundry
  2. Navigate to the Add-On Modules tab
  3. Click Install Module
  4. Paste the following URL into the Manifest URL text field:
  5. Click Install

Got Questions?

Contact me on Discord (CRASH1115#2944).


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