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Cavern Crawls 5 Pack (#011 - #015)

Latest version11.0.1
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core11
Last updated8 months ago
Created8 months ago
Systems Dnd5e
Project source Project URL

Cavern Crawls 5 Pack (#011 – #015)embracing the void cover

Cavern Crawls are "5-room" dungeons that can be easily dropped into any long-running campaign or run as a one-shot.

This pack contains five dungeon delves for use with Foundry VTT, each including a unique monster, magic item, and battle map (with Dynamic Line of Sight).


Cavern Crawl #011 - Ocean Occultists

An evil cult devoted to watery numen has been abducting commoners and brainwashing them into dark service.  A desperate orphan girl seeks your aid in rescuing her brother from the cult's evil clutches.

Cavern Crawl #011 - Ocean Occultists is a 5th Edition compatible 3rd level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:

  • New Monster: Fin Shoal
  • New Magic Item: Serrated Bone Blade
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map 
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure


Cavern Crawl #012 - Frolicking Fey

Fey pranksters are causing havoc in a sleepy elven hamlet, but the locals are adamant they are not be hurt. Can you outwit these devious sprites and send them packing?

Cavern Crawl #012 - Frolicking Fey is a 5th Edition compatible 1st level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:

  • New Monster: Trickster Cleric
  • New Magic Item: Mace of Interdiction
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map 
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure


Cavern Crawl #013 - Crazed Cathedral

The townsfolk speak highly of their Father Gabriel and his cathedral... maybe a little too highly! It might be worth poking around to see what all the fuss is about.

Cavern Crawl #013 - Crazed Cathedral is a 5th Edition compatible 3rd level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:

  • New Monster: Father Gabriel
  • New Magic Item: Dagger of Epitome
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map 
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure


Cavern Crawl #014 - Smugglers' Gulch

A coastal halfling settlement is suffering at the hands of brigands and thieves led by a mysterious power.  A band of heroes might solve their troubles by investigating a canyon on the inlet.

Cavern Crawl #014 - Smugglers' Gulch is a 5th Edition compatible 4th level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:

  • New Monster: Sand Nereid
  • New Magic Item: Staff of Sand Shielding
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map 
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure


Cavern Crawl #015 - The Stolen Herd

A shadowy figure steals livestock in the night.  The local shepherds need your help to track down the thieves and bring back their precious livelihood.  Find out who leads this underground black market in The Stolen Herd.

Cavern Crawl #115 - The Stolen Herd is a 5th Edition compatible 5th level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:

  • New Monster: Orc Auctioneer
  • New Magic Item: Lens of Apprasial
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map 
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure



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