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Creature Codex by Kobold Press

Latest version1.0.4
Minimum Core10
Compatible Core11
Last updated1 year ago
Created2 years ago
Systems Dnd5e
Project source Project URL

A Rampage of New 5th Edition Monsters!

DM: “A mysterious figure in a cloak approaches you in the tavern…”

PALADIN: “Aha! This must be a wizard with a map to a dungeon!”

DM: “…and he’s ticking.”


Whether you need scuttling dungeon denizens, alien horrors, or sentient avatars of the World Tree, the Creature Codexhas you covered! Nearly 400 new foes for your 5th Edition game–everything from acid ants and grave behemoths to void giants and zombie lords.

The Creature Codex includes:

  • A dozen new demons and five new angels
  • Wasteland dragons and dinosaurs
  • All-new golems, including the altar flame golem, doom golem, and keg golem
  • Elemental lords and animal lords to challenge powerful parties
  • Chieftains and other leaders for ratfolk, centaurs, goblins, trollkin, and more
  • New undead, including a heirophant lich to menace lower-level characters

…and much more!

This conversion for Foundry VTT includes:

  • Fantastic Creatures: Over 400 unique critters with unique portraits, tokens, biographies, and lore to expand your world. Every piece of art is high resolution and optimized for delivery over the web so it looks as good as your imagination.
  • Details At Your Fingertips: Every attack, ability, resistance, vulnerability, and special feature available in full detail with a click from any character sheet.
  • Build Your Own Baddies: Easily select from the over 2,700 features, items, or abilities available from existing creatures, drag and drop them onto a new critter, and build out your own fantastic creation.
  • ​​Wide Variety: Many longtime Kobold Press favorites such as clockwork creatures, drakes and dragons, devils and arch-devils, dangerous flavors of the fey​, loads of undead, and much more!​
  • Easy Summoning: No more rooting through the Tome of Beasts to find the creature your character is summoning. Just click on the creature from the description and it pops up!
  • Dynamic Abilities: Toggle certain effects on or off—change AC, add a d4 to rolls, and much more.
  • Speed Up Combat: With just a few clicks, you can make an attack, roll for damage, request a saving throw, and apply damage or healing to a creature. You can even automatically track resource usage for things like legendary actions and resistances.
  • Spend More Time Roleplaying: Nothing breaks immersion quite like having to find the right die and remember the correct modifier in the middle of a tense scene. With a single click, you can roll any ability check regularly or at advantage/disadvantage and it automatically adds the correct values.
  • Meta-Gaming Protection: Easily send descriptions of abilities to the chat that don’t give away the mechanics or roll privately to keep your players waiting with bated breath.

Use these creatures in your favorite published setting or populate the dungeons in a world of your own creation. Pick up Tome of Beastsand give your players an encounter they won’t soon forget!


Requirements: A licensed version of Foundry Virtual Tabletop and the DND5e – Fifth Edition System game system installed in Foundry.

What is included? A premium content registration key. See for details. 

Foundry Conversion: Joseph Tuccillo

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