
Lancer QoL

Latest version1.8.5
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core11.315
File size184.77 KB
Last updated1 month ago
Created1 year ago
Systems Lancer
Dependencies Token Magic FX
Project source Project URL
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This module has become a grab-bag of anything I can code that helps me run my Lancer
games in Foundry VTT. This includes automating wreck images, some condition effects,
reaction reminders, etc.

- Adds an orange glow effect to tokens when in the `Danger Zone`.
- Adds a blue glow effect to tokens when they have `Overshield`.
- Adds a flame effect to tokens when they have `Burn`.
- Adds an electric field effect to tokens that are `Jammed`.
- Adds a ghostly effect to tokens that are `Invisible`.
- Adds a pixelated effect to tokens that are `Cascading`.
- Macro to allow players to apply lock-on to any mech. - Wreck - Applies a random wreck image to a token or turns the token into a wrecked tile.

Please check out the WIKI for more features and their details.

Thank You and Attributions

The Wreck images included in this module were graciously allowed to be included from Retrograde Minis. If you want to add more wrecks, or are looking for minis, I highly recommend them.

A lot of this code started out as things I copied from the #lancer-vtt discord channel. This module was made while standing on the shoulders of giants. Do not hesitate to contact me to add your name here, or remove code that you wrote, or if you want to help or add more.

Thank You!

- Eranziel
- Valkyrion
- dodgepong
- That Lancer Clocks Guy
- Zenn
- Cake
- Freeze
- BadIdeasBureau
- Conor
- Amplify
- sunny
- Nittles
- skedoodlebug
- tradiuz
- Talons
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