
Cypher SRD Compendium

Latest version3.11.0
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12.331
Last updated6 months ago
Created3 years ago
Systems Cyphersystem
Dependencies Cypher System
Project source Project URL
License License URL

This is a module for use in conjunction with the Cypher System for Foundry VTT. The Cypher SRD Compendium expands the Cypher System game system with compendia with material from the Cypher System Reference Document.

Included are all abilities, equipment, cyphers, artifacts, NPCs, creatures, vehicles, and roll tables plus the whole Cypher SRD as a journal with linked items, so that you can create a character with a few drag & drops.

Note that the compendia, especially the one with abilities, contain a large number of items. It’s not advised to import everything into a world, as that will hit performance and might even lead to crashes of Foundry. Only import what you really need. For most cases, no import is needed at all.

v3.2.0 has an unfortunate bug that prevents Foundry from updating to the newest version. If you have that version installed, please uninstall und reinstall the module from the Foundry setup screen.

Customizing Scenes

The scenes are all ready to go, but at the same time, can’t be customized. The one exception is Home Scene [Template], which has the overlay set up as a tile, so that you can use your own custom backgrounds. For this to work, your background image must have a size of 4000×2250 px.

Support and Community

The Cypher FVTT Dev Discord is where the development of the system and this module is coordinated and their futures discussed, but anyone is welcome to join and share best practices, ask questions on how to use the system, and share self-created resources for your games.

You can also reach me on the official Foundry Discord or via Discord DM: @mrkwnzl#7407.

Buy Me A Coffee

If the Cypher System Compendium makes your games more accessible and fun, I’m grateful for a coffee:

Buy Me A Coffee

Cypher System Open License

Compatible with the Cypher System.

This product is an independent production and is not affiliated with Monte Cook Games, LLC. It is published under the Cypher System Open License, found at

CYPHER SYSTEM and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC.

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