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Dungeons of Drakkenheim

Latest version1.4.2
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
Last updated3 months ago
Created1 year ago
Languages English
Systems Dnd5e
Project source Project URL
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Changelog Changelog URL

DUNGEONS OF DRAKKENHEIM is a Fifth Edition campaign for characters level 1 to 13 designed by the DUNGEON DUDES, Monty Martin & Kelly McLaughlin, based on the original livestream game broadcast on YouTube and Twitch! Fifteen years ago, Drakkenheim was destroyed by an eldritch storm of falling stars. Now, the city is a dismal urban wasteland contaminated by otherworldly magic and haunted by hideous monsters.

Fantastic wealth, lost knowledge, and powerful artefacts lie ready for the taking by adventurers brave or foolish enough to venture into the ruins!

Deadly Adventures in the Dark City

Explore over 20 ruined urban locations including haunted streets, decrepit sewers, shattered mage towers, baroque cathedrals, and ancient castles inhabited by dozens of nightmarish new monsters inspired by dark fantasy and cosmic horror. Each site features evocative descriptions, gorgeous illustrations, and detailed maps. Personal quests, tantalizing rumors, and lightweight urban exploration mechanics allow player characters to experience the ruins in a nonlinear and open-ended fashion.

Discover the Mysterious Origins of Delerium

These strange crystals are found throughout Drakkenheim. The vast arcane magic within Delerium may fuel mighty new spells and magic items, but the stones emanate unnatural energies which induce madness and monstrous transformations. Unspeakable abominations have emerged from its contaminating influence, and bizarre Arcane Anomalies are triggered by its chaotic whims! During their adventures, characters can research ways to harness the power of Delerium, study its otherworldly origins, and discover means to protect against its deadly contamination!

Eldritch Contamination

Drakkenheim is suffused by a luminescent fog known as THE HAZE. Not only does this prevent characters from taking a long rest anywhere within the city ruins, but the environment and monsters within can inflict a deadly new condition called ELDRITCH CONTAMINATION! This new status condition works like Exhaustion: as characters accumulate more Contamination Levels, they experience debilitating symptoms and develop otherworldly MUTATIONS. Beware, any who reach Contamination Level 6 are horrifically transformed into monsters!

Clash with Five Rival Factions

A tangled web of secrets, subterfuge, and sabotage await between squabbling factions vying for control over Drakkenheim and the Delerium within. These organizations seek capable adventurers to join their cause and offer powerful boons as rewards; HOWEVER they will strike back against any who dare oppose them. The book details each faction's key characters, motivations, backgrounds, and resources to help Game Masters run a political conflict where the player characters may decide who are their enemies, and who are their allies!

Decide the Fate of Drakkenheim

There's no telling how a Drakkenheim campaign might end, since the choices of the player characters shape the story. Will they retire wealthy with fantastic riches? or perhaps unlock the arcane mysteries of Delerium? Discover the cosmic origins of the meteor, restore the royal bloodline, transform the crater into a place of pilgrimage, burn the corrupt city to the ground, or will you be consumed by madness and horror?



When using a contaminated spell, the caster will gain a level of contamination. You can set a spell to be a 'Contaminated' spell right in the item sheet's Details tab.

A GM can also apply contamination from any damage roll in the chat. A character's or npc's level of contamination is tracked on the actor sheet with a handy view of the effects of each level. When a character takes a long rest while they have a level of contamination, the system will roll a d20 for them as per the rules; on a 1, they will automatically gain an additional level of contamination. The initial effects of contamination (half HP gained from hit dice, no HP gained from long rest) are fully automated!

Bug Reporting and Changelogs

To report any issues with this module, please submit a report via the MetaMorphic Support Portal. You can view the changelog for this module here.

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2 months ago

I would like to know how to install version 1.31 so that I can use this with DnD5e vers 3.

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