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Drawn From The Margins

Latest version1.0.0
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated1 day ago
Created1 day ago
Systems Troika
Project source Project URL

Hod Studio Publishing,
in collaboration with WatcherDM,
proudly presents:

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Inkwell Abbey boasts the greatest scriptorium of this Sphere, and their illuminated manuscripts are second to none. Every monk there takes great pride in this and spends their life dedicated to their art.

Every monk except Albert Fong.

Brother Fong was an incorrigible doodler who filled the margins of his manuscripts with strange monsters, happy animals, and a whole bunch of rabbits and snails. These minor vandalisms would have been forgivable, but Albert Fong was (unknown even to himself) a sorcerer. A wild magic surge brought life to every image in the book Albert was working on.

The exact number of casualties is still being determined.

Those monks that survived now shelter in the nearby Blackriver Village. Their stories have alarmed the peasants, and the local lords are coming with their armies to wipe away these sorcerous creatures. They arrive in three days.

The villagers do not want to wait that long; they’re looking for brave people to clear out the monastery. The surviving monks want their hostage brothers rescued from the strange rabbit-folk that have taken over the hills north of the abbey. Albert Fong begs you to resolve the situation without violence.

What will your heroes do?

Drawn from the Margins is a Troika Compatible Adventure based on art from illuminated manuscripts. It can be played in a few hours or over the course of many days. It comes with 6 unique backgrounds to play with, an imaginative bestiary, and full-color maps.

This module contains:

  • 45 Actors: 39 enemies you will find during the adventure + 6 complete new backgrounds!
  • 9 Journal Entries with 57 page entries in total: the complete book conversion for your best experience!
  • 5 Scenes: a cover/landing page, three region maps plus an exploration map for the Inkwell Abbey!
  • 4 Rollable Tables: random backgrounds, random encounters, what the doctor dog will prescribe, how is the skeleton?
  • 4 Macros: to make GM's life easier!

Drawn from the Margins” is property of WatcherDM, all rights reserved.

Drawn from the Margins” is an independent production by WatcherDM and is not affiliated with the Melsonian Arts Council.

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