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Universal Soldier, an Everyday Heroes Cinematic Adventure

Latest version1.2
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated9 months ago
Created9 months ago
Languages English
Systems Everyday-heroes
Project source Project URL

The path to paradise is just a leap of faith away

Venture into the dystopian world of Universal Soldier—a world teetering on the precipice of military evolution, where the boundaries between man and machine blur amidst a storm of bullets and blood. Assume the identity of a cybernetic soldier, exploring the grim yet thrilling adventure of carving a path of justice through a landscape laden with rogue warriors, corrupt overlords, and lethal skirmishes. Amidst a war fueled by fear and greed, your quest for truth is a beacon of hope and rebellion against the chains of oblivion seeking to erase the remnants of your humanity.

The Universal Soldier Cinematic Adventure immerses players into a future unyielding in its embrace of dark secrets, high-octane combat, and the eternal quest for self-discovery. As the narrative unfolds, traverse a reality echoing with the cries of the fallen and the whispers of insurrection against those seeking to control the ultimate weapon—your very existence.

The Universal Soldier Cinematic Adventure invites you into a story brimming with relentless combat, tactical warfare, and a quest for redemption that promises to challenge the heart, mind, and steel of the heroes brave enough to defy the chains of destiny. As you forge alliances, confront the horrors of engineered warfare, and combat the puppeteers orchestrating a world of espionage and domination, remember—the essence of humanity is indomitable, even in the face of overwhelming tyranny.


  • A wealth of lore about the world of the film
  • Return to Eden, an adventure for 3rd level heroes
  • 3 new classes
  • 3 new origins and 8 new backgrounds and professions
  • 5 pre-generated heroes to quickly get into the action
  • New rules on cybernetics, contacts, and technological marvels


Screenshot of Universal Soldier module with the table of contents, adventure journal, and Return to Eden adventure open.

Screenshot of Universal Soldier module with the hero options compendium, Cybermodder journal page, Adrenal Booster cybernetic enhancement, & an NPC open.

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