
Foundry to Discord

Latest version2.1.2
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated4 months ago
Created1 year ago
Systems All systems
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Foundry to Discord

A lightweight module to send (most, if not) all FoundryVTT messages to a Discord webhook. It has the capability to edit and delete messages in real-time, making it great for play-by-post (PBP) style campaigns, logging, and more!
Full features, API docs, AND SETUP INSTRUCTIONS are available on the Github page.

Fully-supported systems:
Pathfinder Second Edition

Plan to support:
Starfinder Second Edition (when it finally comes out, or, at least, the playtest)

NOTE: This module will work on other systems. To what extent, I do not know. It is guaranteed, however, that regular chat and rolls will function on any system. Contact me for adding support for your system.

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Q: How about Discord to Foundry? Is it possible?

A: As for the possibility of it... Yes. I've made a private discord bot that does just that, however, I do not want to publish it. It's going to be difficult to maintain and there's too many issues with having a bot execute code on your foundry world. Though I'm not opposed to the idea per se, it just takes a lot of time for me to maintain just using it on my own, especially since every system has its own structure. I have done commissions to bridge foundry and discord in different manners, though...

Q: What does this do that Tabbed Chatlog and similar modules don't?

A: This module was intended so that players can read the chatlog on another platform. At least, in this case, Discord. Tabbed Chatlog does have a Discord Webhook functionality, but it only sent IC and OOC chats. This module intends to mirror what the players see onto Discord as closely as possible, including limiting metagame information to only what players know. Yes, this module may work similar to Tabbed Chatlog if you don't configure it to send roll information. Do note that, unlike Tabbed Chatlog, Foundry to Discord does not separate IC and OOC.

Q: Is this DiscordConnect?

A: Well, pretty much. This project started with me tinkering around with DiscordConnect so I could use it in my games, but I ended up rebuilding most of it from the ground up. I've improved a lot of the functionality and support for most common formatting in game systems, so while it's not perfect, I assure that it will be at least usable for systems other than the ones I support and maintain.


Q: Will you support the system I'm using?

A: Depends... If there's a demand for it, I'll do it, as I've did with DnD5e, but I don't have the time to support a lot of systems. I mainly play PF2e, so that's my main priority (and that's one heck of a system to keep maintaining support for already). I don't think I'll refuse a commission to support a system, but I'll obviously need testers for the system.


Q: Nothing is sending to the webhook! Did I do something wrong?

A: If absolutely nothing is sending to your Discord channel, it's 100% not the fault of the module. You can quote me on that. If nothing else, regular chat messages and regular rolls using foundry's "/r" command should work. I advise you to either check your logs or your settings, or go through the motions of setting it up again. If an issue pops up in your logs and involves this module, opening an issue is the best way to deal with it, or contact me on Discord (which I'm assuming you'd have one, considering you're planning on using this module).

What is ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT, and why is it appearing in my console?

A: That means your client is preventing the module to perform fetch API requests. Try another browser, and turn javascript on for your browser. If the issue still persists, contact me. This issue was only found to happen in a clean Vivaldi browser, though, so it might be an edge-case. Still, this should work on many browsers.

Q: Can I help?

A: Absolutely! Open an Issue on the project page if you want features added or fixed, and even feel free to open a PR with a feature you want to add (or clean up some of my janky code).





























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