Premium content

Heretic's Guide to Devotion & Divinity

Latest version1.1.1
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated8 months ago
Created1 year ago
Systems All systems
Project source Project URL

Most of the time, the divine feels like little more than an afterthought in 5E Dungeons & Dragons. Too easily forgotten or ignored – something only clerics and paladins have a reason to care about.

Heretic's Guide to Devotion & Divinity sets that right with 200 pages of divinely inspired content aimed at bringing the divine to life in 5E! From zealous cults and relic hunts to divine player options and celestial horrors, this module has everything you need to make the divine matter:

  • 6 ready-to-play relic hunts with awesome maps 
  • 10 exalted encounters with additional encounter maps
  • 5 religious cults & 5 plug-and-play divine NPCs
  • 8 sacred subclasses & 25 new divine feats
  • 50 celestial creatures & other monsters
  • 60 mystical magic items, sacred vows, and divine boons
  • Rules and guidelines for everything divine, including building pantheons, designing deities, running rituals, and much more!

Don't believe us? Oh, ye of little faith – check out this 40-page sample that has a selection of the book's content and see for yourself!

Foundry Features

The module leverages the features of the Foundry VTT software to make the user experience as smooth as possible:

  • Everything in this module is ready-to-play as is! Tokens have already been placed on the maps, all of which feature lighting and walls. 
  • Journal entries are equipped with dynamic links and guidance to make the module's content easy to navigate for the GM.
  • NPCs are preconfigured with abilities, equipment, and other special effects.


Heretic's Guide to Devotion & Divinity is installed in a few simple steps:

  1. Open Foundry Virtual Tabletop and click "Install Module" on the Setup and Configuration page. Heretic's Guide to Devotion & Divinity will appear as an option under the Premium Content category.
  2. Click "Install". If you don't have Scene Packer, you'll be prompted to activate the module before importing this module into your 5E world. 
  3. When you activate the module, Scene Packer asks whether you want to import all scenes at once or select specific scenes you want to import manually. We recommend that you import all scenes at once, but you can easily delete an entire type of entity imported by the module by selecting one or more of the folders it created using the tabs on your right side. Alternatively, you can drag in the packs from the Compendium sidebar.
  4. You are good to go – enjoy! 




Eventyr (ˈεːvənˌtyɐ̯ˀ) means adventure and that's what we're all about
– making 5E adventures easy and fun for both players and GMs!

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