
Jedes Keep

Latest version1.3.1
Minimum Core10
Compatible Core10.288
Last updated3 months ago
Created3 years ago
Systems All systems
Dependencies Library: Scene Packer
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The primary settlement of Asolade Hundred, located in the southwest of the kingdom of Kaldor.

This is one of several "Location Modules" for the Hârn fantasy setting. For other modules, see Hârn Modules.

Jedes Keep

Jedes keep is a "Location Module" for the Foundry VTT system. It is designed to depict the Jedes keep in the kingdom of Kaldor, on the island of Hârn in the HârnWorld fantasy setting; however, this keep and village could be adapted to exist anywhere in any fantasy setting.

Although designed for use with the HârnMaster system, this module is mostly system-agnostic, with the exception of Actors. Detailed descriptions of the actors has been provided in journal entries to facilitate conversion to other game systems.

Jedes is the largest settlement in Asolade Hundred. Consisting of only 49 households, plus the imposing keep, Jedes lies in the south western edge of Oselshire. This module details all of the households. This module includes interior plans of the keep, its outbuildings, and the inn; plus illustrations by Richard Luschek and Juha Makkonen.

Jedes is remote from the politics of central Kaldor. With the majority of settlements run by a constable for the Earl of Balim, this is one of the Earl’s most important holdings. It is also a favourite of King Miginath.

Jedes is not a rough frontier settlement, but the last remnant of the ancient Kingdom of Tarwyn. A land of fertile fields, fat cattle, and sturdy forest ponies, Jedes and the region is a renowned centre of horse breeding.


This module is made possible by the hard work of Neil Thompson and other HârnWorld fans, and is provided at no cost. This work is an adaptation of the article Jedes available at the HârnWorld fan site

Writer: Neil Thompson

Contributors: Matthias Janssen, Daniel Bell, Tim Falkenberg (Horse Fair)

Original Maps: Matthias Janssen, Neil Thompson

Artists: Richard Luschek, Juha Makkonen

Editors: Daniel Bell, Daniele Och

Adapted to Foundry VTT: Tom Rodriguez

Thanks to Grant Dalgleish for permission to use the official illustration of Shernath Mirdarne from the ‘Kaldor Kingdom Module’ and to N. Robin Crossby.

This module is "Fanon", a derivative work of copyrighted material by Columbia Games Inc. and N. Robin Crossby (Kelestia Productions).

Some assets used to create the maps in this module are from Forgotton Adventures.

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