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The MAD Cartographer | Frozen | Battlemap Pack

Latest version12.1.1
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
Last updated1 month ago
Created1 year ago
Systems All systems
Project source Project URL

Icy, snow-packed scenarios and environments, ranging from frozen watchtowers, to ice spider lairs. Welcome to the Frozen theme from The MAD Cartographer!

Maps in this Product

  • ➤ Festive Factory: A snow-covered workshop with conveyor belts making toys, overseen by a large metal platform.
  • ➤ Winter Watchtower: A vertical map with a watchtower, spanning bridge, and multiple levels for exploration.
  • ➤ Dragon Bones: A giant dragon skeleton with runes, where travellers can camp inside the ribcage.
  • ➤ Under the Ice: A camp on an icy lake, with a thinning spot revealing a hidden horror.
  • ➤ Icehaus: An ice-built tavern or resort with several homes, providing respite in the far North.
  • ➤ Ice Spider Hollow: A snowy forest leading to a frozen cave network filled with webs and the remains of unlucky victims.
  • ➤ The Frozen Throne: A cavern with a Lich’s sanctum, surrounded by a ring of crystals. Runes of Domination line the main platform.
  • ➤ Winter's Break: A vortex tearing apart the snowy landmass, with drifting platforms and whirling debris.
Screenshot Demo
Section Break


All maps contain walling, dynamic lighting, local sounds, and canopies where relevant to a map. Many of our map packs contain third-party modules to add additional tactics and dynamic play, these include:


Levels allows instant transitions between floors, or moving your token on top of canopies, creating vertical elevation on a map!

Mass Edit

Mass Edit allows drag-and-drop pre-fab buildings and modular dungeons, as well as helping create dynamic environment changes!

Tile Scroll

Tile Scroll lets us create moving tiles and canopies, adding scrolling or rotation to static images to create more dynamic animated maps!


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If you have any questions regarding this module pack, or want to join the MAD community, you can join our Discord server!

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