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The MAD Cartographer | Frozen | Battlemap Pack

Latest version12.1.1
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
Last updated5 minutes ago
Created1 year ago
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The Frozen theme from The MAD Cartographer! 

This module pack contains:

  • 29 maps spanning 8 unique scenes, complete with dynamic walling, lighting, and ambient audio. All maps are 140ppi webp images, for the best balance of quality & performance in a VTT setting. Note: This is the active Patreon theme for November and the number of maps will increase with each release.

Maps in this Product:

  • Festive Factory - A small snow-covered workshop surrounded by Christmas trees and festive hanging lights. Inside, toys are being made on a series of conveyor belts. A large metal platform allows a benevolent (or malevolent) overseer to preside over production!
    For Foundry users, the conveyor belts are animated using the active-tiles module, meaning that they run automatically!
  • Winter Watchtower - A very vertical map with multiple levels for characters to navigate. This snowy bridge spans a ravine, with a watchtower set off to the side to keep a careful eye on the passing traffic. Characters that enter the tower are able to climb up a ladder on to the roof, or traverse down several floors via staircase until they reach the bottom of the ravine. For Foundry users, this map should be opened in Foundry to be fully appreciated!
  • Frozen Dragon - The bones of a large dragon, long since deceased - the skeleton has been picked clean of any signs of flesh, and all the scales have long since been scavenged, leaving only pristine bones behind - some of which have had runes carved into them. Passing travellers may attempt to take shelter by making camp inside the great ribcage of the fallen wyrm. For Foundry users, the ribcage serves as an overhead canopy, allowing characters to move underneath. This scene also has ambient animated snow effects for deeper immersion. Variants of this map are included for Day/Night, as well as with/without a campsite inside the ribs.
  • Icehaus - A remote tavern or resort tucked away out in the farthest chilly climes, these small buildings have been built out of blocks of ice and serve as an important respite stop for those trying to brave the journey to the far North. Several homes and amenities are included.
  • The Frozen Throne - In a cavern carved deep into a mountainside of strange black ore, a powerful Lich plots from his sanctum. As the confrontation intensifies, the ring of crystals surrounding the main platform may fall away. This map is available in ice and amethyst variants.
  • Winter's Break - The season comes to an end with calamity - an enormous vortex has opened up beneath a powerful obelisk, tearing the snowy landmass apart. Now, platforms drift precariously over the void, whilst debris whirls overhead. Variants are available for winter, and lightning shrine.
  • Under the Ice - This map presents a small camp out on a thick icy lake, surrounded by endless snow and icy outcrops. Near the camp, a thinning spot on the ice reveals a strange horror beneath. Variants of this map have been included for Evil Eye, Strange Things, Skull, Crack , Massacre, and Alien Ship.
  • Ice Spider Hollow - This two-level map starts out with a simple snowy forest, with day and night variants included. Characters will quickly find a crevice leading down into a sprawling frozen cave network, littered with desiccated remains and huge webs, stiff with frost.

If you have any questions regarding with this module pack, or want to join the MAD community you can join our Discord server!

How Does the Patreon Integration System Work?

All you have to do is log into your Foundry VTT account and link your Patreon account. If you support the creator at the correct tier you'll be able to install the module using the normal Foundry VTT package installer. Here are the steps to link your account:

  1. Support The MAD Cartographer's Patreon here:
  2. Log in on the Foundry VTT website:
  3. Edit your profile here:
  4. Link your Patreon account at the bottom of the page if you haven't already.
  5. Verify The MAD Cartographer shows up under If The MAD Cartographer does not appear as expected under your "Subscribed Content" page of your user profile, you may need to Refresh your Patreon link using the 'Refresh' button next to your linked account name.
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