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The MAD Cartographer | Tropics | Battlemap Pack

Latest version12.1.2
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
Last updated2 months ago
Created1 year ago
Systems All systems
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Humid jungles, overgrown temples, and more - Welcome to the Tropics theme from The MAD Cartographer!

Maps in this Product

  • ➤ Fungal Fort: Abandoned jungle watchtower overtaken by strange fungus; night variant features glowing bioluminescent fungus.
  • ➤ Beach Wreck: Sandy cove with a wrecked wooden ship trapped on a sandbar between two stretches of trees.
  • ➤ Jungle Temple: High-walled shrine slowly reclaimed by nature.
  • ➤ Smuggler's Cove: Tropical island with a hidden cavern beneath.
  • ➤ Beach Festival: Secluded beach decorated for a festival with feast and maypole.
  • ➤ Treehouse: Shipwreck repurposed into a tree canopy refuge providing shelter from jungle beasts.
  • ➤ Jungle Paths: Four winding jungle paths; includes clearings, vine bridges, and a waterfall outpour.
  • ➤ Herbal Hermit: Cabin straddling a ravine in high forest, in an isolated clearing away from the main trees of the jungle.
  • ➤ Fortified Camp: Large palisade fort on a riverbank, reinforced to keep the denizens of the jungle at bay and under surveillance.
  • ➤ Volcano Shrine:  Multi-map scene of a volcanic cavern with a ritual altar; includes phases of rising lava.
Screenshot Demo
Section Break


All maps contain walling, dynamic lighting, local sounds, and canopies where relevant to a map. Many of our map packs contain third-party modules to add additional tactics and dynamic play, these include:


Levels allows instant transitions between floors, or moving your token on top of canopies, creating vertical elevation on a map!

Mass Edit

Mass Edit allows drag-and-drop pre-fab buildings and modular dungeons, as well as helping create dynamic environment changes!

Tile Scroll

Tile Scroll lets us create moving tiles and canopies, adding scrolling or rotation to static images to create more dynamic animated maps!


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If you have any questions regarding this module pack, or want to join the MAD community, you can join our Discord server!

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