
Mob Attack Tool

Latest version0.9.0
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated2 months ago
Created4 years ago
Languages English
Português (Brasil)
Systems Dnd5e
Dependencies Better Rolls for 5e
Project source Project URL

This is a Foundry VTT module that streamlines mob attacks in the dnd5e system. It focuses on helping the GM and players quickly resolve multiple attack and damage rolls from groups of monsters (mobs), summons, and/or creatures with the multiattack action. This module supports use of the Dice so Nice!, Midi-QOL, and Automated Animations modules. 

How to use

After activating this module, a new button appears in the token controls bar. To begin using Mob Attack Tool, make sure you have at least one token selected and one target selected before you click the button.

A dialog window will appear, populated with the weapon options of the selected tokens along with their respective attack bonuses and a checkbox. Tick the checkbox of the weapon(s) you want to use for the mob attack (or optionally allow Mob Attack Tool to automatically select weapon(s) based on the multiattack action description in the actor's sheet. The dialog window will keep updating as you select and/or target tokens.

Once you're done with selecting weapons and targets, you should click on the Mob Attack button at the bottom of the dialog window. Doing so will then send a message (by default to the GM) with the mob attack results. Furthermore, the weapon item is rolled the number of times that an attack would hit.




  • Currently damage is just rolled without saves or condition checks. Mobs of ghouls claws will not trigger any paralysing effects
  • Older versions of this module worked with grouped initiative modules, but isn't actively supported in newer release. It might still work but hasn't been tested recently


For more examples and information, check out the project page on Github. 


Current Maintainer

Daft-Develop / daftooo

Original Author

Stendarpaval / Lupusmalus#3187

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