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One-shot Dungeons for 5E - Vol. 2

Latest version1.1.2
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated4 months ago
Created10 months ago
Systems Dnd5e
Project source Project URL

Hod Studio Publishing,
in collaboration with Nerdura Games,
proudly presents:

One-shot Dungeons Vol. 2 gathers a small collection of five ready-to-use D&D 5E dungeons for low level characters. Sometimes you don’t have time to prepare your gaming session. Maybe you just want to gather with some friends for a one-shot adventure, possibly introducing them to the hobby. You could need fresh material to enrich your campaign. In each of these cases, One-shot Dungeons is the ace up your sleeve.

He’s not one of us

A stranger settled in the abandoned farmhouse, and weird plants infest the place. Could it be related to the emporium owner’s wife disappearing?

Fight Club

Tyrell, your informant, expects a generous reward for his tip. There’s something big at the Insomnia night club. Could it really be just clandestine fighting?

Requiem for a bard

Everyone looks forward to the Alder Cadwyn’s festival. Something seems to hamper the preparations. Will you celebrate the legendary swashbuckling poet, this year?


No taxes nor news are coming from the remote village of Northmark. Will you risk to face the bloodguzzler orcs to find out what happened there?

The most beautiful couple

Word is that the recent earthquake unearthed some old undergound complex. Pale-scaled lizardmen dwell there. Seems like your kind of thing: what could possibly go wrong?

This module contains:

  • 25 Actors: the NPCs your players will face during the adventures
  • 5 Journal Entries: one for each adventure, with text descriptions for the dungeons
  • 8 Items: custom items that your players will find
  • 5 Scenes: each adventure has their own map
  • 2 Macros: to help you change things on the adventure

Everything you need to just import it and start to play!

One-shot Dungeons for 5E – Vol. 2” is property of Lucio Gozzi/Nerdura Games, all rights reserved.

Converted by Cussa Mitre/Hod Studio.

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