
OSRIC Compendium

Latest version2024.09.03
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12
Last updated5 minutes ago
Created1 year ago
Systems Ars
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The OSRIC Compendium module is designed to be used with the Foundry ruleset "Advanced Roleplaying System". It provides a wide variety of content that can be used to enhance and supplement the gameplay experience.

The OSRIC Compendium module includes:

  • System rules documentation in journal form, which provides detailed information on how the OSRIC system works, including character creation, combat, magic, and other core mechanics.
  • A variety of items, such as weapons, armor, and magical items that can be used by players to equip their characters.
  • Information on different classes, such as fighters, magic-users, and clerics, including the abilities, spells and starting equipment for each class.
  • Information on different races, such as humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings, including the abilities, languages and traits for each race.
  • A set of tables, including random encounter tables, treasure tables, and other resources that can be used to generate content on the fly.
  • A collection of monsters, including information on their statistics, abilities, and any special rules that apply to them.

All of these resources are designed to help the game master and players to create and run adventures, and to customize the game in their own way. The OSRIC Compendium module provides a wealth of content that can be used to make the game more interesting and engaging for everyone at the table.

For license information on OSRC see the LICENSE.OSRIC.txt file.

Created by First Edition Society,  [email protected]
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