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Ponyfinder: Races of Everglow

Latest version1.0.4
Minimum Core11
Compatible Core12
Last updated4 months ago
Created7 months ago
Systems Pf2e
Project source Project URL

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It's easy to be distracted by the colorful ponies that have laid dominion over the world of Everglow, but they are far from the only race that has carved out their own portion of things and demands recognition. From the whimsical flutterponies to the despised impure, these lesser races are given a chance to be known, from social mores to combat abilities.This Book Includes

  • 10 Races either new or expanded from the campaign setting for PF2
  • Cloven, Flutterponies, Gem Gnolls (new), Griffons, Punda (new), Krava (new), Phoenix Wolves, Purrsians, Steelhearts, and Sun Cats)
  • Satyr Options for Cloven, Punda, and Krava
  • Cloven - 4 PF2 Heritages, 8 PF2 ancestry feats, 3 PF2 spells.
  • Flutterpony - 4 PF2 heritages, 2 PF2 class feats, 9 PF2 ancestry feats, 4 PF2 spells.
  • Gem Gnolls - 5 PF2 Heritages, 12 PF2 ancestry feats.
  • Griffons - 10 PF2 Heritages, 2 PF2 weapons, 10 PF2 class feats, 15 PF2 ancestry feats, writeups for the griffon gods (Sun King, Huntress, White Talon), 3 PF2 spells.
  • Punda - 4 PF2 heritages, 10 PF2 ancestry feats
  • Krava - 4 PF2 heritages, 6 PF2 class feats, 11 PF2 ancestry feats, 3 PF2 spells.
  • Phoenix Wolves - 5 PF2 heritages, 2 PF2 class feats, 7 PF2 ancestry feats, 1 PF2 spell
  • Purrsians - 2 PF2 heritages, 3 PF2 class feats, 5 PF2 ancestry feats, 4 PF2 spells
  • Steelhearts - 2 PF2 heritages, 1 PF2 magic item, 14 PF2 ancestry feats, 16 PF1 feats, 3 5E, writeup of The Maze covering (god), 4 PF2 spells
  • Suncats - 2 PF2 heritages, 5 PF2 ancestry feats, 1 PF2 domain, 5 PF2 spells

**This module is developed solely for the official Pathfinder 2e system for FoundryVTT ( Without this system, this module will not function**

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