
SoundFx Library

Latest version1.0.3
Minimum Core0.6.0
Compatible Core11
Last updated10 months ago
Created3 years ago
Languages English
Systems All systems
Project source Project URL

SoundFx Library is a library of over 150 sound effects that could be used by one of the Foundry modules that provide soundboard functionality.

Included in this library is a wide range of sound effects, ranging from combat hit sounds to forest ambient loops.

None of the included sounds were made by me. They are all licensed in such a way that I am allowed to share them in this library.
Details on the creators, licences, changes I've made and links to the source can be found here.

You do not need to enable this module in 'Manage Modules', as this does nothing.

Here is a list of modules that can be used to create soundboards, in order to play these sounds:

Importing Sounds into Material Deck or Material Keys

When selecting a sound for the module's soundboard, select 'File Picker'. When the file browser is open, make sure it is set to 'User Data' at the top. Then browse to 'modules/soundFxLibrary' and then select the category you want and pick a sound.

Importing Sounds in Soundboard by Blitz

With this module active, Soundboard by Blitz will register the sounds in packs which can be enabled/disabled individually.

Custom Directory

Alternatively, you can control the organization more if you've set a custom soundboard directory in Soundboard's module settings. Copy sounds from 'modules/soundfxlibrary' into that directory. Use folders to create categories.

Using Sounds in Moulinette Forge Sounds

With this module active, index your sounds again and Moulinette will index the module directory.

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