
Starlight Arcana Preview

Latest version1.0.1
Minimum Core9
Compatible Core11
File size12.68 MB
Last updated1 year ago
Created2 years ago
Systems All systems
Dependencies Library: Scene Packer
Project source Project URL

This adventure was made for the Preview PDF of Starlight Arcana, a monumental 500+ pages astral 5e supplement and campaign, coming to Kickstarter on September 2nd!

For more information and more free content, visit our promo page!

Author: Constantine "Kelfecil" Christakis
Editing: Sabrina Schimmel
Map Artwork & Graphic Design: Ori the Cartographer
Lead Illustrator & Art Direction: Dusky Cat
Project Logistics & Promotion: Karl Nik - Natwuns

Call of the Stars

The stars are all fading. One by one, they disappear out of the sky and nobody dares to even question why.

Except Alya.

Alya is a curious tiefling with a passion for all that is astral and wants to know what exactly is going on. She needs to solve this mystery, before it's too late... Will you answer the CALL OF THE STARS?

Call of the Stars is a 5th Edition adventure for 3-5 characters of 2nd-level and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 2. This adventure sees the party joining forces with Alya the Astromancer as she tries to investigate an abandoned observatorium that is now corrupted by a mysterious essence.

A Starlight Arcana Preview!

This PDF serves as preview material for what will be included in the actual book once it is complete and ready for release. We wanted to show you a little bit of everything, and that means this module contains:

  • x1 new Subclass
  • x1 new Ancestry option
  • x1 new Destined Artifact
  • x1 new Starlight Spell
  • x1 new short Adventure introducing the main NPC of Starlight Arcana’s campaign; Alya the astromancer.
  • x3 new Monsters

Resources Included

This package includes the following resources:

  • x3 beautiful maps by Ori the Cartographer
  • x20 Original Art Pieces and Monster Tokens by various artists that are involved in the making of Starlight Arcana

Adventure Quick Info

  • System: D&D 5E
  • Recommended Average Party Level (APL): 2
  • Experience from Completion: ~2,000
  • General Theme: Investigation, Puzzle, Escort
  • Setting: Any, Starlight Chronicles
  • Time - Sessions to Finish: ~3 hours (1 Session)
  • Installation: Add-On
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