
Tactical Map

Latest version2.0.0
Minimum Core12
Compatible Core12.331
Last updated2 months ago
Created2 months ago
Systems All systems
Project source Project URL
License License URL

Tactical Map is a Foundry VTT module that allows GMs to toggle between a normal scene and a tactical map on the active scene. It provides a seamless transition between the two.

It's a quality of life module, especially if you are running a Theater of the Mind game, but want to solve combats more tactically.



Usage and Settings

The following settings are available for configuration in the Scene Configuration menu:

  • Tactical Map Image: The image path for the Tactical Map
  • Tactical Map Grid Type: The type of grid to be used on the Tactical Map (Gridless, Square, 2x Hexagonal)
  • Tactical Map Grid Size: The size of the grid on the Tactical Map
  • Tactical Map Type: Top-down View and Isometric View. It is only important if you want to use alternative token images for each view. 
  • Add Tokens to Encounter: Automatically adds all scene tokens to a combat encounter when the Tactical Map is activated

Adding a Tactical Map

  1. Open the Scene Configuration for any scene
  2. Provide the path to your Tactical Map image in the Tactical Map Image field
  3. Configure the grid type and size as needed, they can be different from the main scene but will use the same color and line configurations
  4. Select if your tactical map is top-down or isometric. It only matters if you are using different tokens for the map-switching
  5. Optionally, check Add Tokens to Encounter if you want all scene tokens to be added to a combat encounter when the tactical map is activated
  6. Save your scene

Switching to the Tactical Map

  1. Once the Tactical Map is configured, a new button called Toggle Tactical Map will appear in the Token Controls toolbar
  2. Click this button to switch to the Tactical Map on the active scene. The scene will automatically zoom and center to display the entire Tactical Map.
  3. Click the button again to return to the original scene settings, restoring the previous zoom and position

Automatic Token Switching

If you have different types of tokens for your game, like round tokens for your theater of the mind scene (the main scene in this case), and want to switch them automatically for a combat token you can do it easily.

In the same folder of your common tokens place the ones for the top-down view and isometric view adding the suffixes _tdv and _isv to the image name (they need to have the same file extension: .png, .webp, etc).


  • Round token: Black Dragon_01.webp
  • Top-down token: Black Dragon_01_tdv.webp
  • Isometric token: Black Dragon_01_isv.webp


They will be replaced automatically depending on the tactical map type. Also, they will keep any scale they have in the main scene. This way you can have both views in the same adventure without issues. 

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