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Fables & Fantasy 5e and Pathfinder 2e

Latest version1.0.0
Minimum Core10
Compatible Core11
Last updated2 months ago
Created2 months ago
Systems All systems
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Fables & Fantasy

Fables & Fantasy contains two adventures designed for both Pathfinder 2e and the 5th edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game.

  • Where the Wicked Rest - level 2 adventure
  • Hungry Hungry Goblins - level 3 adventure

Fables & Fantasy for Foundry VTT includes:

  • High-resolution tokens and complete stat blocks for each of the monsters in the adventures.
  • Highly detailed immersive adventure maps for all adventures.
  • Journal entries for the entire contents of each adventure.
  • Scenes pre-configured with walls, lights, tokens already placed for game master convenience when running the adventures.

Purchase Fables & Fantasy

Where the Wicked Rest - level 2

The town of Malnor worships its ancestors and seeks their guidance in all things. Sometimes, that guidance comes in the form of punishing criminals. But for one such criminal, their relative is ready to raze the city to the ground to reverse the punishment placed upon them: death by the Heretic’s Crypt. And there may not be anyone who can stop him.

Fables & Fantasy    Fables & Fantasy

Hungry Hungry Goblins - level 3

Goblins are a pain for any city to deal with. They’re little more than pests, but they tend to be pests in large numbers, demanding an excess of resources to keep them in check. Unfortunately, they’re also adaptable, leaving Frostglen with a new problem: ice goblins. Can a group of adventurers clear them out, or will they become a menace to the city?

Fables & FantasyFables & Fantasy

Purchase Fables & Fantasy

Installation and Activation

After purchasing this module on the DM Lair Store, you'll receive an email from "SendOwl Downloads" that contains your activation key and detailed activation and installation instructions.

Become a DM Lair Patron

Get more bang for your buck by becoming a DM Lair patron! Every month for just $25 patrons get everything below:

  • Foundry packs for all the adventures and monsters in that month's issue of Lair Magazine, for both 5e and Pathfinder 2e.
  • Lair Magazine PDFs for both 5e and Pathfinder 2e which contain even more resources, such as puzzles and traps.
  • A bonus adventure PDF for both 5e and Pathfinder 2e.
  • And access to all of Luke's personal GM notes for his own 5e and Pathfinder 2e games!

Learn more and become a patron here: The DM Lair Patreon

Contact Us

This module was developed by the DM Lair. If you're experiencing any issues, please contact us here.

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