
Cypher System Character Creation Pack/Compendium

Latest version0.3.0
Minimum Core10
Compatible Core10.291
Last updated2 years ago
Created2 years ago
Systems Cyphersystem
Dependencies Cypher System
Cypher SRD Compendium
Project source Project URL
Read-me Readme URL
License License URL

Cypher System Character Creation Pack/Compendium

This is a module for use in conjunction with the Cypher System game system for Foundry VTT.

It works with the Cypher SRD Compendium to provide compendiums of journal entries for all the Types, Descriptors, Foci and Flavors provided in the Cypher System Reference Document.

Each journal entry contains a link to the PDF page containing the actual description of the ability. This uses the PDFoundry module to display the links and open the PDFs.

For each type/descriptor/focus/flavor there is a link to each of the available abilities in the Cypher SRD Compendium.

Additional markers are present which work with the Sentence Linking and Creation Tool of the Nice(TSY) Cypher Add-Ons module.


The non-CSOL material has been moved to a new module found at


The package should be available from the Add-On Modules, Install Module option of Foundry VTT.

If you want to install it manually, then enter the following into the Manifest URL at the bottom of the "Install Module" window:

Hard Dependency

Cypher SRD Compendium provides compendiums of Items (such as abilities) which are linked from the sentence journal entries provided here. See this module for how to set up PDF documents to work with pages properly.

Soft Dependency

Additional markers are placed into each of the journal entries which provide compatibility with the Creation Tool component of the Nice(TSY) Cypher Add-Ons module.

PDF Pager provides additional support for linking to individual pages of the published PDFs.


Cypher System material owned by Monte Cook Games is used in accordance with Cypher System Open License.

The software component of this system is distributed under the MIT license.

Cypher System Open License

Compatible with the Cypher System.

This product is an independent production and is not affiliated with Monte Cook Games, LLC. It is published under the Cypher System Open License, found at

CYPHER SYSTEM and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC.

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